Source code for instrument_models.pancam

from astropy import units as astro_units

from .instrument import InstrumentBase

[docs]class Pancam(InstrumentBase): """Model to get the filter wavelength of a Patcam image See `Pancam <>`_ for more details on Pancam's filter wavelengths. Attributes ---------- pancam_left : :obj:`str` ``PANCAM_LEFT`` pancam_right : :obj:`str` ``PANCAM_RIGHT`` unit : :obj:`str` ``nm`` left_filters : :obj:`dict` Key is the filter number and the value is the wavelength for PancamL right_filters : :obj:`dict` Key is the filter number and the value is the wavelength for PancamR """ pancam_left = 'PANCAM_LEFT' pancam_right = 'PANCAM_RIGHT' left_filters = { 1: float('nan'), 2: 750, 3: 670, 4: 600, 5: 530, 6: 480, 7: 430, 8: 440, } right_filters = { 1: 430, 2: 750, 3: 800, 4: 860, 5: 900, 6: 930, 7: 980, 8: 880, } unit = 'nm' @property def camera(self): """:obj:`bool` : Images camera. Should either be :attr:`left_filters` or :attr:`right_filters`""" return self.label['OBSERVATION_REQUEST_PARMS']['COMMAND_INSTRUMENT_ID'] @property def is_left(self): """:obj:`bool` : True if image is from Pancam Left""" return == self.pancam_left @property def is_right(self): """:obj:`bool` : True if image is from Pancam Right""" return == self.pancam_right @property def filter_num(self): """:obj:`int` : The images filter number""" return self.label['INSTRUMENT_STATE_PARMS']['FILTER_NUMBER']
[docs] def get_wavelength(self, unit='nm'): """Get the filter wavelength from the image Parameters ---------- unit : :obj:`str` [``nm``] The wavelength unit. Best practice for ``unit`` to exist in :class:`pdsspect.pdsspect_image_set.ImageStamp.accepted_units` Returns ------- wavelength : :obj:`float` The image's filter wavelength """ filters = self.left_filters if self.is_left else self.right_filters wavelength = filters[self.filter_num] * astro_units.Unit(self.unit) wavelength = return round(wavelength, 3)