Source code for pdsspect.roi

"""Region of interest creation"""
import abc
import six
import math
import warnings
from functools import wraps
from contextlib import contextmanager

import numpy as np
from ginga.canvas.types import basic

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class ROIBase(basic.Polygon): """Base class for all ROI shapes""" def __init__(self, image_set, view_canvas, color='red', linewidth=1, linestyle='solid', showcap=False, fill=True, fillcolor=None, alpha=1.0, drawdims=False, font='Sans Serif', fillalpha=1.0, **kwargs): self.image_set = image_set self.view_canvas = view_canvas self.color = color self.linewidth = linewidth self.linestyle = linestyle self.showcap = showcap self.fill = True self.fillcolor = fillcolor self.alpha = alpha self.drawdims = drawdims self.font = font self.fillalpha = fillalpha self.kwargs = kwargs self._has_temp_point = False self._current_path = None
[docs] @staticmethod def draw_after(func): """Wrapper to redraw canvas after function""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): run_func = func(self, *args, **kwargs) self.view_canvas.redraw() return run_func return wrapper
@property def top(self): """:obj:`float` : The top edge of the image The top edge is 1.5 units past the edge of the image due to how ginga renders the image. I feel like this is a bug but I haven't had time to try to expose it in a simple example so working around it will have to do for now. """ return self.image_set.current_image.shape[0] + 1.5 @property def right(self): """:obj:`float` : The right edge of the image The right edge is 0.5 units before the right edge of the image. """ return self.image_set.current_image.shape[1] - 0.5 def _get_default_point_value(self, point, high_edge): """Get a default value for a single edge case Either the top or bottom edge case or the left or right edge case Parameters ---------- point : :obj:`float` The given x or y coordinate high_edge : :obj:`float` Either the right or top edge Returns ------- default_point : :obj:`float` or None Returns the default value if an edge case, None otherwise """ default_point = None # Since the center coordinate of the left and bottom pixels is zero, # the outer edge coordinate of the left and bottom pixels is -0.5 low_edge = -0.5 if point <= 0: default_point = low_edge elif point >= high_edge + 0.5: default_point = high_edge return default_point def _get_default_data_values(self, data_x, data_y): """Get default values for edge cases Parameters ---------- data_x : :obj:`float` The given x coordinate data_y : :obj:`float` The given y coordinate Returns ------- default_x : :obj:`float` or None The x coordinate for the edge case. If not an edge case then None default_y : :obj:`float` or None The y coordinate for the edge case. If not an edge case then None """ default_x = self._get_default_point_value(data_x, self.right) default_y = self._get_default_point_value(data_y, return default_x, default_y def _lock_coordinate_to_pixel(self, coordinate): """Lock x or y coordinate to bottom or left edge of the pixel See :meth:`lock_coords_to_pixel` for explanation on logic Parameters ---------- coordinate : :obj:`float` x or y coordinate to lock Returns ------- locked_point : :obj:`float` The left or bottom edge of the pixel """ coordinate_floor = math.floor(coordinate) coordinate_ceil = math.ceil(coordinate) if coordinate_ceil - coordinate <= 0.5: locked_point = coordinate_floor + 0.5 else: locked_point = coordinate_floor - 0.5 return locked_point
[docs] def lock_coords_to_pixel(self, data_x, data_y): """Lock the coordinates to the bottom-left corner of the pixel The center of the pixel has integer coordinates and the edges of the pixel are 0.5 units away. We choose to lock to the bottom left corner or each pixel. If the decimal value of the coordinate is less than or equal to 0.5 then the coordinate is to the left/below the center of the pixel. To lock we round the coordinate down and add 0.5. If the decimal value is greater than 0.5 then the coordinate is to the right/above the center. To lock we round the coordinate down and subtract 0.5. For example, if the coordinate is (2.3, 4.7) the pixel coordinate is (2, 4) and the corresponding locked coordinate is (2.5, 4.5). Parameters ---------- data_x : :obj:`float` The given x coordinate data_y : :obj:`float` The given y coordinate Returns ------- point_x : :obj:`float` The corresponding x pixel coordinate point_y : :obj:`float` The corresponding y pixel coordinate """ point_x, point_y = self._get_default_data_values(data_x, data_y) if None not in (point_x, point_y): return point_x, point_y if point_x is None: point_x = self._lock_coordinate_to_pixel(data_x) if point_y is None: point_y = self._lock_coordinate_to_pixel(data_y) return point_x, point_y
[docs] @staticmethod def lock_coords_to_pixel_wrapper(func): """Wrapper to lock data coordinates to the corresponding pixels""" @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, data_x, data_y): point_x, point_y = self.lock_coords_to_pixel(data_x, data_y) return func(self, point_x, point_y) return wrapper
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def start_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): """Abstract method to start the ROI process""" pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def continue_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): """Abstract method to continue the ROI process""" pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def extend_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): """Abstract method to extend the ROI process""" pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def stop_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): """Abstract method to stop the ROI process""" pass
[docs] def create_ROI(self, points=None): """Create a Region of interest Parameters ---------- points : :obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple` of two :obj:`int` Points that make up the vertices of the ROI Returns ------- coordinates : :class:`numpy.ndarray` ``m x 2`` array of coordinates. """ points = self._current_path.get_points() if points is None else points super(ROIBase, self).__init__( points, color=self.color, linewidth=self.linewidth, linestyle=self.linestyle, showcap=self.showcap, fill=self.fill, fillcolor=self.color, alpha=self.alpha, drawdims=self.drawdims, font=self.font, fillalpha=self.fillalpha, **self.kwargs) self.view_canvas.add(self) coords = self._get_roi_coords() self.view_canvas.deleteObject(self) coordinates = np.stack(coords, axis=-1) return coordinates
[docs] def contains_arr(self, x_arr, y_arr): """Determine whether the points in the ROI are in arrays The arrays must be the same shape. The arrays should be result of ``np.mgrid[y1:y2:1, x1:x2:1]`` Parameters ---------- x_arr : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of x coodinates y_arr : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of y coordinates Returns ------- result : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Boolean array where coordinates that are in ROI are True """ # NOTE: we use a version of the ray casting algorithm # See: xa, ya = x_arr, y_arr # Result 1 and 2 are used to inclusively select pixels on left and # right side of the ROI. Result is the combination of the two result = np.zeros(y_arr.shape, dtype=np.bool) result1 = np.zeros(y_arr.shape, dtype=np.bool) result2 = np.zeros(y_arr.shape, dtype=np.bool) points = self.get_data_points() xj, yj = points[-1] for point in points: xi, yi = point tf = np.logical_and( np.logical_or(np.logical_and(yi < ya, yj >= ya), np.logical_and(yj < ya, yi >= ya)), np.logical_or(xi <= xa, xj <= xa) ) rs, cs = np.where(tf) cross1 = np.zeros(ya.shape, dtype=bool) cross2 = np.zeros(ya.shape, dtype=bool) mask1 = ( (xi + (ya[rs, cs] - yi) / (yj - yi) * (xj - xi)) < xa[rs, cs] ) mask2 = ( (xi + (ya[rs, cs] - yi) / (yj - yi) * (xj - xi)) <= xa[rs, cs] ) cross1[rs, cs] = mask1 cross2[rs, cs] = mask2 result1[tf] ^= cross1[tf] result2[tf] ^= cross2[tf] xj, yj = xi, yi result = np.logical_or(result1, result2) return result
def _get_mask_from_roi(self, roi, mask=None): """Get mask array from ROI Parameters ---------- roi : :class:`ROIBase` The region of interest mask : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Boolean array of the image Returns ------- mask : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Boolean array of the image with ROI coordinates as ``True`` """ if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(self.image_set.current_image.shape, dtype=np.bool) x1, y1, x2, y2 = roi.get_llur() x1, y1, = int(math.floor(x1)), int(math.floor(y1)) x2, y2 = int(math.ceil(x2)), int(math.ceil(y2)) # Fix top edge case. Due to display reasons, the top edge case must be # dealt with differently than right edge case. ends_above_top = y2 == - .5 starts_and_ends_above_top = y1 == - 2.5 and ends_above_top if ends_above_top: if starts_and_ends_above_top: y1 = int( - 3.5) # Must move roi so the points are inside the region self.move_delta(0, -1) y2 = int( - 1.5) X, Y = np.mgrid[x1:x2, y1:y2] rows, cols = Y, X coords = roi.contains_arr(X, Y) mask[rows, cols] = coords return mask @contextmanager def _temporary_move_by_delta(self, delta): """Context manager to move the ROI by delta temporarily Parameters ---------- delta : :obj:`tuple` of two :obj:`float` Change the roi position by x and y Example ------- >>> with _temporary_move_by_delta((10, 15)) as moved_roi: ... moved_roi.get_points() """ delta_x, delta_y = delta self.move_delta(delta_x, delta_y) yield self self.move_delta(-delta_x, -delta_y) def _get_roi_coords(self): """Get the coordinates in the region of interest""" delta = self.image_set.map_zoom_to_full_view() with self._temporary_move_by_delta(delta) as moved_roi: mask = self._get_mask_from_roi(moved_roi) roi_coords = np.where(mask) return roi_coords
[docs]class Polygon(ROIBase): """Polygon Region of Interest"""
[docs] @ROIBase.draw_after @ROIBase.lock_coords_to_pixel_wrapper def start_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): """Start the ROI process The ROI will be a :class:`ginga.canvas.types.basic.Path` object Parameters ---------- data_x : :obj:`float` The x coordinate data_y : :obj:`float` The y coordinate """ self._current_path = basic.Path( [(data_x, data_y)], color=self.color ) self.view_canvas.add(self._current_path)
[docs] @ROIBase.draw_after @ROIBase.lock_coords_to_pixel_wrapper def continue_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): """Create new vertex on the polygon on left click Parameters ---------- data_x : :obj:`float` The x coordinate data_y : :obj:`float` The y coordinate """ self._current_path.insert_pt(0, (data_x, data_y)) self._has_temp_point = False
[docs] @ROIBase.draw_after @ROIBase.lock_coords_to_pixel_wrapper def extend_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): """Extend the current edge of the polygon on mouse motion Parameters ---------- data_x : :obj:`float` The x coordinate data_y : :obj:`float` The y coordinate """ self._current_path.insert_pt(0, (data_x, data_y)) if self._current_path.get_num_points() > 2 and self._has_temp_point: self._current_path.delete_pt(1) self._has_temp_point = True
[docs] @ROIBase.draw_after @ROIBase.lock_coords_to_pixel_wrapper def stop_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): """Close the polygon on right click The polygon will close based on last left click and not on the right click. There must be more than 2 points to formulate a polygon Parameters ---------- data_x : :obj:`float` The x coordinate data_y : :obj:`float` The y coordinate """ if self._has_temp_point: self._current_path.delete_pt(0) if self._current_path.get_num_points() <= 2: warnings.warn("Must have more than 2 points for a polygon") coords = [] else: coords = self.create_ROI(self._current_path.get_points()) self.view_canvas.deleteObject(self._current_path) return coords
[docs]class Rectangle(ROIBase): """Rectangle Region of interest""" # anchor point is pixel coordinate of the pixel first selected # This pixel will always be selected as a result _anchor_point = (0, 0)
[docs] @ROIBase.draw_after @ROIBase.lock_coords_to_pixel_wrapper def start_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): """Start the region of interest on left click Parameters ---------- data_x : :obj:`float` The x coordinate data_y : :obj:`float` The y coordinate """ data_x = data_x - 1 if data_x == self.right else data_x data_y = data_y - 1 if data_y == else data_y self._current_path = basic.Rectangle( data_x, data_y, data_x + 1, data_y + 1, color=self.color) self.view_canvas.add(self._current_path) self._anchor_point = (self._current_path.x1, self._current_path.y1)
def continue_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): pass def _extend_point(self, point, anchor_point, edge): """Determine the x1, x2 or y1, y2 coordinates when extending Parameters ---------- point : :obj:`float` The x or y coordinate in extending the rectangle anchor_point : :obj:`float` The x or y coordinate anchor point for the rectangle edge : :obj:`float` The top or right edge Returns ------- p1 : :obj:`float` x1 or y1 coordinate p2 : :obj:`float` x2 or y2 coordinate """ if point >= anchor_point: p1 = anchor_point p2 = point + 1 if point != edge else point else: p1 = point p2 = anchor_point + 1 return p1, p2
[docs] @ROIBase.draw_after @ROIBase.lock_coords_to_pixel_wrapper def extend_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): """Exend the rectangle on region of interest on mouse motion Parameters ---------- data_x : :obj:`float` The x coordinate data_y : :obj:`float` The y coordinate """ self._current_path.x1, self._current_path.x2 = self._extend_point( point=data_x, anchor_point=self._anchor_point[0], edge=self.right ) self._current_path.y1, self._current_path.y2 = self._extend_point( point=data_y, anchor_point=self._anchor_point[1], )
[docs] @ROIBase.draw_after @ROIBase.lock_coords_to_pixel_wrapper def stop_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): """Stop the region of interest on right click Parameters ---------- data_x : :obj:`float` The x coordinate data_y : :obj:`float` The y coordinate """ coords = self.create_ROI(self._current_path.get_points()) self.view_canvas.deleteObject(self._current_path) return coords
[docs]class Pencil(ROIBase): """Select individual pixels""" point_radius = center_shift = 0.5 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Pencil, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._current_path = []
[docs] @ROIBase.draw_after def start_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): """Start choosing pixels on left click Parameters ---------- data_x : :obj:`float` The x coordinate data_y : :obj:`float` The y coordinate """ self._add_point(data_x, data_y)
@ROIBase.lock_coords_to_pixel_wrapper def _add_point(self, data_x, data_y): """Add a point to the current path list Parameters ---------- data_x : :obj:`float` The x coordinate data_y : :obj:`float` The y coordinate """ next_point = basic.Point( data_x + self.center_shift, data_y + self.center_shift, self.point_radius, color=self.color) self.view_canvas.add(next_point) self._current_path.append(next_point)
[docs] @ROIBase.draw_after def continue_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): """Add another pixel on left click Parameters ---------- data_x : :obj:`float` The x coordinate data_y : :obj:`float` The y coordinate """ self._add_point(data_x, data_y)
# @ROIBase.draw_after # def extend_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): # self._add_point(data_x, data_y) def extend_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): pass
[docs] def move_delta(self, delta_x, delta_y): """Override the move_delta function to move all the points Parameters ---------- delta_x : :obj:`float` Change in the x direction delta_y : :obj:`float` Change in the y direction """ for point in self._current_path: point.move_delta(delta_x, delta_y)
def _fix_coordinate(self, coordinate): """Fix the coordinate after it is moved from its original position The coordinate may be changed to a float when the point is moved from its original position when the pan is zoomed. As a result, we must relock the coordinate to its correct integer location. Parameters ---------- coordinate : :obj:`float` Either the x or y coordinate of the moved point Returns ------- fixed_coordinate : :obj:`int` The fixed coordinate locked onto its integer location """ if coordinate.is_integer(): fixed_coordinate = int(coordinate) else: fixed_coordinate = int( self._lock_coordinate_to_pixel(coordinate) + self.center_shift ) return fixed_coordinate
[docs] @ROIBase.draw_after def stop_ROI(self, data_x, data_y): """Set all pixels as roi coordinates on right click Parameters ---------- data_x : :obj:`float` The x coordinate data_y : :obj:`float` The y coordinate Returns ------- coordinates : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Coordinates of points selected """ delta = self.image_set.map_zoom_to_full_view() with self._temporary_move_by_delta(delta) as moved: pixels = list(set([(p.x, p.y) for p in moved._current_path])) self.view_canvas.delete_objects(self._current_path) coords = [] for x, y in pixels: row = self._fix_coordinate(y) column = self._fix_coordinate(x) coords.append((row, column)) coordinates = np.array(coords) return coordinates