Source code for pdsspect.roi_histogram

import math

from qtpy import QtWidgets

from .pdsspect_image_set import ginga_colors
from .roi_plot import ROIPlotModel, ROIPlotController, ROIPlotWidget, ROIPlot

[docs]class ROIHistogramModel(ROIPlotModel): """Model for ROI histogram and accompanying widget""" def __init__(self, image_set): super(ROIHistogramModel, self).__init__(image_set) self._image_index = -1 @property def image_index(self): """:obj:`int` : The index of the image to which to compare data with When setting :attr:`image_index`, it may be changed to ``-1`` if the image is the same as the current image. Furthermore, when setting the :attr:`view_index`, the :attr:`image_index` may be changed to ``-1`` if the :attr:`view_index` and the :attr:`~.pdsspect_image_set.PDSSpectImageSet.current_image_index` are the same. """ return self._image_index @image_index.setter def image_index(self, index): index = index if index != self.image_set.current_image_index else -1 self._image_index = index self.set_data() @property def compare_data(self): """:obj:`bool` : True if :attr:`image_index` is not ``-1``""" return self.image_index != -1
[docs] def xdata(self, color): """Data inside a ROI with the given color for the current image Parameters ---------- color : :obj:`str` The color of the ROI Returns ------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Data in ROI color for the xaxis """ rows, cols = self.image_set.get_coordinates_of_color(color) data =[rows, cols] return data
[docs] def ydata(self, color): """Data inside a ROI with the given color for the image in the menu Parameters ---------- color : :obj:`str` The color of the ROI Returns ------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Data in ROI color for the yaxis """ if not self.compare_data: raise RuntimeError('Cannot call when not comparing images') rows, cols = self.image_set.get_coordinates_of_color(color) data = self.image_set.images[self.image_index].data[rows, cols] return data
@property def xlim(self): """:obj:`list` of two :obj:`float` : min max of current image's data""" data = xlim = [data.min(), data.max()] return xlim @property def ylim(self): """:obj:`list` of two :obj:`float` : min max of yaxis image""" if not self.compare_data: raise RuntimeError('Cannot call when not comparing images') data = self.image_set.images[self.image_index].data ylim = [data.min(), data.max()] return ylim
[docs]class ROIHistogramController(ROIPlotController): """Controller for ROI histogram and accompanying widget Parameters ---------- model : :class:`ROIHistogramModel` The model view : :class:`ROIHistogramWidget` or :class:`ROIHistogram` The view Attributes ---------- model : :class:`ROIHistogramModel` The model view : :class:`ROIHistogramWidget` or :class:`ROIHistogram` The view """
[docs] def set_image_index(self, index): """Set the index of the image in the menu Parameters ---------- index : :obj:`int` Index of the image menu """ self.model.image_index = index
[docs]class ROIHistogramWidget(ROIPlotWidget): """Widget to hold the histogram and check boxes Parameters ---------- model : :class:`ROIHistogramModel` The model Attributes ---------- model : :class:`ROIHistogramModel` The model controller : :class:`ROIHistogramController` The controller image_menu : :class:`QtWidgets.QComboBox <PySide.QtGui.QComboBox>` Menu to select image for y axis """ def __init__(self, model): self.model = model self.image_menu = None self._create_image_menu() super(ROIHistogramWidget, self).__init__(model) self.controller = ROIHistogramController(model, self) self.setWindowTitle('ROI Histogram') def _create_roi_plot(self): self.roi_plot = ROIHistogram(self.model) def _set_layout(self): left_vbox = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() left_vbox.addWidget(self.save_btn) left_vbox.addWidget(self.image_menu) left_vbox.addStretch() self.main_layout.addLayout(self.view_boxes_layout, 0, 1, 1, 2) self.main_layout.addLayout(left_vbox, 1, 0) self.main_layout.addWidget(self.roi_plot, 1, 1, 2, 2) self.main_layout.addLayout(self.checkbox_layout, 1, 3) self.main_layout.setColumnStretch(1, 1) self.main_layout.setRowStretch(1, 1) self.setLayout(self.main_layout) def _create_image_menu(self): image_menu = QtWidgets.QComboBox() for image in self.model.image_set.images: image_menu.addItem(image.image_name) image_menu.setCurrentIndex(self.model.image_set.current_image_index) image_menu.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.select_image) self.image_menu = image_menu
[docs] def select_image(self, index): """Select an image when image is selected in the menu Parameters ---------- index : :obj:`int` The index of the selected image """ self.controller.set_image_index(index)
def set_image(self): if self.model.image_index == self.model.image_set.current_image_index: self.select_image(-1) else: self.select_image(self.image_menu.currentIndex())
[docs]class ROIHistogram(ROIPlot): """Histogram view of the data in each ROI color Parameters ---------- model : :class:`ROIHistogramModel` The model Attributes ---------- model : :class:`ROIHistogramModel` The model """ def __init__(self, model): self.model = model model.register(self) self.controller = ROIHistogramController(model, self) super(ROIHistogram, self).__init__(model) self._ax.set_xlim(self.model.xlim) def _plot_histogram(self): self._ax.set_ylabel( ylabel='Pixel Values', color='w', fontsize=9 ) for color in self.model.selected_colors: rgb = ginga_colors.lookup_color(color) data = self.model.xdata( color=color ) self._ax.hist(data.flatten(), 100, color=rgb) def _create_label(self, image): label = image.image_name if not math.isnan(image.wavelength): label += '\n(%.3f' % (image.wavelength) label += r' $%s$)' % (self.model.unit) return label def _plot_comparison(self): ylabel = self._create_label( self.model.image_set.images[self.model.image_index] ) self._ax.set_ylabel( ylabel=ylabel, color='w', fontsize=9 ) for color in self.model.selected_colors: rgb = ginga_colors.lookup_color(color) xdata = self.model.xdata( color=color, ) ydata = self.model.ydata( color=color, ) self._ax.plot(xdata, ydata, '.', color=rgb)
[docs] def set_data(self): """Set the data of the selected colors on the histogram""" self._ax.cla() if self.model.compare_data: self._plot_comparison() else: self._plot_histogram() xlabel = self._create_label(self.model.image_set.current_image) self._ax.set_xlabel( xlabel=xlabel, color='w', fontsize=9, ) self._ax.set_xlim(self.model.xlim) if self.model.compare_data: self._ax.set_ylim(self.model.ylim) self.draw()
[docs] def set_image(self): """Set data when image is changed""" self.set_data()